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Entre noeuds et liens no3

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// La série '' Entre noeuds et liens'' aborde l'amitié dans l'enfance et la jeune adolescence. Il s'agit d'une oeuvre recto et verso... ou deux œuvres en une!

Le recto de l’œuvre Entre Nœuds et liens Un tissus est généralement constitué de deux sortes de fils, le fil de trame et le fil de chaîne qui travaillent ensemble pour former la structure du tissu. Mais dans les tissus de l’amitié, d’autres phénomènes sont introduits! Les fils et l’impression des fils forment les attaches réelles ou désirées qui nous tiraillent, nous complexifient, nous texturisent, nous absorbent, nous résistent, nous isolent, nous (in)visibilisent et nous colorent. Les courbes, les lignes et le fait de suivre ou non les chemins tracés, participent à remplir des vides. Le mariage entre les fibres, la pulpe du papier et l’encre évoquent les secrets qui planent dans les cours de récréation, les émotions en montagnes russes, les changements de cap et de loyautés, les amours passagers, les amitiés flexibles, intemporelles, celles qui priment, celles qui ''pimpent'' et pimentent le quotidien et celles en arrière plan qui sont discrètes et qui voyagent sur la pointe des pieds, celles qui feraient le tour du monde pour vous voler un sourire!

Verso des œuvres porte le titre de ''Trame d’amitié'' L'envers (la face opposée au droit du tissus) a une apparence différente en raison de la manière dont le tissu de l’amitié a été tissé et comment il s’est imprimé dans notre vie. C’est parfois l’envers de la médaille, les dessous de la loyauté, ça peut sembler moins glamour, comme un code informatique qui programme la face visible, des racines qui nourrissent le feuillage à motifs. //

1" x 10"

Shipping and Availability

  • Ships from Rivière-Ă -claude
  • Ships to Canada, US, international
  • Available for local pickup

This piece will be prepared and shipped directly from and by the artist. The cost of shipping will be provided once you request to acquire it.

Additional Details

About the artist
About the artist

1993, Fresh out of high school, I entered the Arts and Communication program, with a major in cinema at the CEGEP André-Grasset in Montreal and I received a diploma (DEC) with honors. I was 18 years old when I enrolled on a sailing ship around the world, the SY Concordia, as a gap year. It provide, ... View full profile

Rivière-à-claude, QC
Partial artist since 2024

Worry free artwork, directly from artists

Worry free artwork, directly from artists
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A simple and secure transaction, followed by a worry-free shipment or cost-free pickup from the artist’s hands to you and your wall.
Whether you wish to purchase or rent some artwork, your request is a direct conversation between you and the artists themselves.
We’re dedicated to models that allow Canadian artists to sustain their craft. Plus, a percentage of every transaction goes back into an arts organization.
easy to work with

easy to work with, beautiful art, highly recommend.

Love the new artwork in my office and…

Love the new artwork in my office and living room. It lifts us up everyday, acts as a conversation piece in Zoom calls, and we love the most being able to support artists in our communities as well.

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I found the service I received from partial gallery was very good. The communications were in a timely manner and I was able to communicate with Zuna. The parcel arrived safely. Thank you for making the experience special.

Amazing art and best value … if more…

Amazing art and best value … if more people knew about this site it would be sold out !

Partial Gallery is fabulous!

Partial Gallery was terrific in walking me through a recent sale of a painting. They were very thorough and prompt and made the whole process smooth and easy.

Partial's platform is easy to use and…

Partial's platform is easy to use and has been a great alternative for people to see my work. It's also a great place to see new work by other Canadian artists.

Quick to respond to questions in a warm…

Quick to respond to questions in a warm friendly and professional way. Actually heard back from a real person not auto responders.

Partial was in contact with me as soon…

Partial was in contact with me as soon as I reached out to them. They answered my questions and gave me more helpful info than I expected. The people at Partial were friendly, knowledgeable and super efficient.